Our Junior Presentation event will be held on Sunday, March 14, from 3-5 pm at Abbot Road Diamonds – in front of the Reub Hudson canteen.
We look forward to welcoming all of our Junior players (from teeball up to Div 1) and their families for an afternoon of fun, socialising, and to celebrate the achievements of all our players.
There will be a free sausage sizzle, and families are invited to bring their own picnic and refreshments as well.
All teeball players will receive a mini-trophy, and coaches of more senior teams will be handing out awards to particular players who have done well this season. Junior players will also be recognised for their Rep/Dev participation, coaching assistance, umpiring, and for 5 and 10 year membership in the Club. Please let your team manager know if your daughter should be included here - this could also include representative play outside MWSA, as well (ie., North Met, CHS, Regional School PSSA teams, etc.)
This year, we would also like to invite parents/carers who have never played softball to also “come try” softball, alongside their daughters. The senior Junior teams are organising some skills-based games on the diamonds designed for all ages – and we’d love to see many parents/carers giving it a go (don’t disappoint your young ones…). There will be some fun prizes and giveaways for those who do participate.
Also, ahead of March 14, please help the Club this year by selling raffle tickets and donating for raffle prizes, which will be given out on the day as well. Peninsula is a not for profit community sporting organisation and all the proceeds from selling tickets goes straight back to supporting the players and teams – this is one of the few fund-raising options we have.
Finally, we’ll be looking for a few volunteers to help us on the day – no experience necessary. If you might like to help, please contact your team manager who will no doubt be in touch to ask for volunteers as well.
Thanks very much – and we look forward to seeing you on the day!
Yours in softball,
Sammi Williams
