Our Volunteer Team
Thanks to all those who keep Peninsula Softball Club running through their hard work and dedication to the Club.
Peninsula Softball Club can only function well on the back of an enthusiastic, dynamic, and diverse group of volunteers who help out throughout the year in big ways and small. If you'd like to get more involved, please do contact us. From a spot on the Committee, to helping get the grounds ready, to working on our social media, we have lots of opportunities and different ways you can help out. If you think you can contribute, do let us know - we'd love to hear from you.

Our President - Gai Cohen
Gai Cohen (right) has played for Peninsula for almost twenty years, and was elected Club President in 2021, taking over from ex-President Sammi Williams (left). Gai brings a wealth of experience, enthusiasm and energy to the Club. She is also currently serving as MWSA Secretary. The President oversees just about every aspect of the Club's organisation, and is a job that never stops - whether we are in mid-season, or off-season.

The Peninsula Committee
The Peninsula Committee helps out the President in many different ways - from organising teams, uniforms, equipment, grant applications, social media, and finances, to name a few. In 2022-2023, the committee consists of Kath Fox (Treasurer), Michael McDonnell (Secretary and Registrar), Amanda Lau (Social Media), Karinne Bedingfield (Social Media), Anne-Maree Newbery (Policies), Clair Poole (Uniforms; Player Liaison), Kat Baldwin (pictured, left, Gear), Rachel Allison (Operations), Heidi Tetz (Uniforms), Gerry Wilkins (Operations; Player Liaison), and Kellie Cohen (Operations; Player Liaison). We'd also like to thank outgoing Committee member, Linda Armiger (pictured, right), for her work on the committee in 2021-2022.

Our Coaches
All our coaches are accredited with Softball NSW. Coaches work hard to provide training and playing opportunities for all our teams across the Junior and Senior competitions. They need to be able to build skills, confidence, and provide encouragement, whether the players under their care are new six year old teeball players, or experienced softballers who have been playing for decades. If you are interested in coaching, please see our Coach's Corner for more details and learn how to get qualified.

Our Managers
Our team managers tend to be parents or carers of players in the Junior divisions, and often one of the players in the Senior Grades. Managers help the coach organise training and communicate with the players and parents, and help out in the dug-out, especially with the younger players. Managers also make sure that teams are able to fulfil their volunteering duties on the canteen and grounds, and serve as an important link between the Club and each team. If you are interested in helping manage a team, just talk to your team coach.
Our 2022 Volunteers
Thanks to all those who have helped out in different ways over the past season.

MWSA Working Bee
Thanks to the Peninsula supporters and players who gave up their time to help improve Diamond 2 - sorry you could not all get to drive the buggy or earth-mover!
Many thanks!

Thanks to Lauren Adler, Kath Fox, Anne-Maree Newbery, Michael McDonnell, Clair Poole, Heidi Tetz, and especially Amanda Lau for the many amazing images that have made a huge difference to our website, our social media presence on Facebook and Instagram posts, and even our advertisements in schools, etc.
If you'd like to help contribute, just email us.
Many thanks!